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"Fight at Pine-House"
Under apple fire

Do you remember how we left Grolla in the second part of this story,
... Grolla still had to give the best of herself ...

Grolla's eyes went from a corner to another of the window.
- But how many are they? they never end ... Nooo, my bread ... They are crushing all my bread. Why haven't I baked it before? ... and my pasta ... -
"Don't touch it!"
- Aaahhh, what a mess! And look at that stupid licking my sauce with his tongue ... -
"I'll show you now ..." and Grolla, forgetting her fear, turned to look up anything at hand.
Those big, red, shiny apples in the bowl on the table were perfect.

Swamp ... stump.
First apple, first center. The head of the snake that was happily licking her sauce. The apple went straight into the saucepan with the sauce, after hitting the target.

Swamp ... stump.
Second apple, second center. A snake that was moving forward a cup of custard, very interested to its delicious smell. The snake was never able to come there ... it fell from the shelf and behind him the cup. We can't tell you, dear children, if the snake got angry. Of course its friends were very caring in licking all the splashes of custard that had fallen on it.

Swam ... stump.
Third apple, third center. It landed where Grolla had patiently lined up all her homemade tagliatelle this morning. Thanks to this shot all her pasta fell on the ground in a single tangle with a lot of snakes. Their friends spent quite a hard time to free them.

Swamp ... stump.
Fourth apple, missed center. The rage now obscured Grolla's eyes. Her face was purple. Her precious teapot of delicate china inherited from her mother was in pieces on the ground and the snake, that was crawling beside it, looked at her mocking.

Swamp ... stump.
Fifth apple, out of the window. And this ahot was what excited curiosity in the gnomes and Turl, the bird friend.
- Since when do apples fly out of the window in our house? - Turl asked himself.
The gnomes looked around, confused, but then, shaking their head, walked to the wood shed to store all the branches they had found when ...
"Aaahh ... "
a shout stopped them.
"He - he - hel - help me!"

Turl spread his wings and went inside through the window.
The first thing he focused was a colorful tangle, moving around the table, on shelves, around the open window too. Snakes. Some of them were twisting around the legs of the table and seemed quite aggressive too.
- Too many. They're too many for me and my friends, gnomes - Turl thought, as he was flying quickly to the door to release the latch. At the same time he launched his singing SOS.
Three short beeps, three long, three short.
In a short time all the friends in Bosco would have come.

The door of Pine-House swung open. A nose peeped from the right corner at the top and took a deep breath.
The gnomes understood without seeing. The smell of snake was unmistakable.
The gnomes, which had formed the living tower, reached the ground with a light jump, ax in hand.
In a second they were at the door ...

The battle was to begin. And what a battle, children!

Do you want to know what happened at Pine-House with all those snakes? Read: snake shooting :))

Are you curious to know the snakes that have invaded Pine-House? Look at the picture above. In this moment they are intertwined to form a chair for Uenena.

Do you want to send a letter to Fairy Elle, dear children?

We'll place it next to our computers before turning off the light.
Cross your fingers and hope that your letter is sent!