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Fairy Elle

Here's Fairy Elle, reading a scroll by her friends, the Gnomes!
What can you see? Mmhh you can't see much ... hazard ...
What color her hair? her eyes? We don't know and are as curious as you.

It's a mistery, really!

Fairy Elle is told to change her look every season as Bosco is used to do and her dress every season. It is whispered Fairy Elle's dresses are made by the Gnomes that live at Pine-House with her.

Fairy Elle is told to have a lot of magical powers. What and how many powers? We don't know and she doesn't know either.

A month ago, before leaving, the Gnomes made her a nice overalls with the moss, a long shawl and a fairy hat. Have you seen carefully her hat and shawl? They are made with snow and ice crystals that reflect the light. Wonderful! A nice and warm suit for Fairy Elle, the fairy kid.

But remember: Fairy Elle has a different dress every season. Who knows how gnomes will make her spring dress?

We like her and think she is very nice. She is so engrossed in reading in the photo. She is sitting, but where? We don't know. We can't see well the photo and you? It is whispered she is reading a short Christmas carol dedicated to a little bird whose name is Christmas! While she is reading an unusual movement can be seen near a pine of Bosco.
A lot of twinkling lights go on. They look like small stars.
And then many birds arrive.
And on the top ... there is a red little bird. Very nice!
And all the birds sing together. How wonderful, the tale has turned into a real, decorated pine!

Fairy Elle reads and a pine of Bosco dresses up. It's a real work of magic!

Christmas is drawing near and Bosco has got its own Christmas tree with shining lights. Everyone is happy at Bosco.

And you? have you got your own Christmas tree? Do you like to know the story of the bird with such a name? Read the Fairy Elle's scroll and then ... cast your spell!